Microbladed EyebrowsHair-strokes are created with pigment just under the skin's surface using a special hand tool.
Results may last from 9 - 12 months. Procedure Includes a 4 week Touch Up Apt. Initial Apt - $400, 4 Week Touch Up Apt - $100 |
Permanent EyebrowsHair like strokes are created with pigment using the preferred soft tap method.
Initial Apt - $400, 4 Week Touch Up Apt - $100 Includes a 4 week Follow Up Apt. |
Permanent EyelinerMicroblade - Softtap Method of Implantation
Initial Apt - $400, 4 Week Touch Up Apt - $100 Designer - $450, 4 Week Touch Up - $100 Upper Lid Only - $250. 4 Week Touch Up - $100 Lower Lid Only - $150, 4 Week Touch Up - $50 Eyelash Enhancement Upper & Lower - $250, 4 Week Touch Up - $75 |